The food court is nice. They have healthier options than most places which was impressive.
The back of the aquarium has a large deck area that affords some amazing views of the bay. We spent quite a bit of time out there looking for otters and other animals. It was a beautiful day for us. We came from Florida where it's in the 90s, so the upper 60s/low 70s was blissful.
I lacked a lot of photos from the aquarium because I was busy chasing, calming, and disciplining my son. It was not a good day for us. I am sad because I wanted to get more photos of it. As luck, or Murphy's Law, would have it: Connor fell asleep within seconds of leaving the aquarium. We decided to walk through Cannery Row and along the trail again to make our way back to the ship. It was peaceful and a great way to unwind from the chaos of the day. It's a shame that Florida weather isn't conducive to beautiful walking trails. We only have a handful of cool days in our "winter" that would allow for a nice long walk. Most other days it's far too hot or rainy!
We chose to ride on the top of the tender for the ride back to the ship because it was nice out.