I figured I would update everyone since I haven't shared anything on this blog in a year! As I am sure every living person on Earth knows, we've been in a pandemic. Things were going really well for me in January and February of 2020. Sunkissed Adventures blossomed in to something amazing by then. Then along came COVID and that really put a twist in everything.
Travel was halted and I took a job covering for a teacher who was out on maternity leave from March to May 2020. That turned in to a full time position at that same school for the next school year. I am back to full-time teaching and running Sunkissed Adventures part-time again, like I did years ago.
I've done a lot of thinking. Do I want to do both again? I successfully taught and ran Sunkissed for 4 years in the past. Then I left teaching to do this full-time for 6 years. Can I juggle teaching, travel, and now my own two kids? I can! I am simply scaling back. I won't take on as many new clients. I will be more selective on what I take on. I don't want to take away from providing good service to my regulars and current travelers. But I am here and booking travel for people now that the world is slowly opening back up.
As for my own family we've been traveling throughout the past year. We went to Orlando a few times. We went Glamping again. We drove to Blue Ridge in Georgia and stayed in a mountain cabin. Then Orlando again! Most recently, my husband and I just got back from 10 days in Colorado. We've changed our own personal travel planning to explore more of our own country and it's been wonderful to get out there!
I hope you have a chance to travel again soon if you haven't already!