My father in law arrived at about 5am and we loaded up his car with 3 large suitcases, a car seat, a stroller, a diaper bag, and two backpacks. I didn’t think it would fit, but we managed to squeeze it all in! On the ride to Ft Lauderdale airport I was checking the weather. Friday (arrival day) looked like clear weather. Saturday (the next day) was supposed to rain all day. The temps were ranging in the mid to low 60s. I had planned for us to walk to Freedom Trail Saturday. I was getting worried that it would dampen our plans!
We had an extra guest coming along with us on this trip. Thankfully he didn't cost us any extra money. Flat Stanley joined us for our adventures throughout Boston. So you may see him in his blue jeans and orange shirt in some pictures!
Airport check-in was uneventful. I've gotten pretty good at flying with a kid, this was our 4th time. We were the first to our gate and waited patiently while chasing our son around the terminal. The flight crew arrived early and so they let us board a little early as well. We were flying JetBlue direct from Fort Lauderdale to Boston. My son has flown three times previously- Southwest, United, and American. I would rate JetBlue as being equally child friendly to Southwest and WAY more adult friendly (I love what they INCLUDE!!) If you’re unaware of what comes with JetBlue flight, they allow one free bag per person, by January all of their planes have free wi-fi, more leg room than other airlines, Dunkin Donuts Coffee, and a variety of decent snacks! Let me explain why I say that JetBlue is child friendly. They allow families to board before general boarding. This gives me the time to get my son’s car seat installed. Two other airlines I have traveled on would not allow this and I struggled to carry a car seat down an aisle without hitting other passengers. On JetBlue I was able to install the carseat without being in a rush. This means my son was safer on this trip because the airline gave me the chance to get everything situated. The extra legroom also helps prevent the car seat from pushing up against the person in front of him. Now my son is hit or miss on airplanes. This leg- he cried, not terribly, but he wanted out of his seat. I was not going to let that happen because the next thing would have been him running up and down the aisles! I gave him a snack and he fell asleep for about half the flight. Once he woke up we played the distraction game- magazine, stuffed animal, tickles, etc.